Anti-Slavery Statement for 2018

This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out Zapp Scooters Limited’s policy on modern slavery and what action it takes to make sure that modern slavery or human trafficking does not take place within our business or supply chain. Zapp Scooters Limited has zero tolerance to modern slavery which includes any form of slavery, human trafficking, child and forced labour. We have implemented systems and controls to prevent any form of modern slavery taking place within our business or our supply chain. Zapp Scooters Limited will therefore not knowingly use illegal child or forced labour in any commodities, products or services it provides or receives, nor will we deal with or accept commodities, products and/or services from any suppliers, sub-contractors or business partners that employ or utilize child or forced labour.

Our business

Our business comprises the manufacture, marketing, sale and distribution of electric scooters and accessories based in the UK and sold within the UK and the EU. Our electric scooters are manufactured in Thailand by a manufacturer owned and controlled by ourselves. Our component and accessories suppliers are based in the UK, the EU, Thailand and China.

Risk areas

The areas we consider as posing a potential risk of modern slavery are principally the operations of our suppliers, sub-contractors and business partners. To mitigate these risks we have put in place internal policies designed to prevent us from knowingly engaging with any suppliers, sub-contractors and business partners who contravene our anti-slavery policy.

Our policies

To supplement our anti-slavery policy, our other policies include:
- Recruitment policy. We operate a rigorous recruitment policy, including ensuring legitimacy to work in the UK in compliance with UK laws for all employees, to prevent us employing anyone the subject of human trafficking or individuals forced to work against their will.
- Whistleblowing policy. We operate a whistleblowing policy so that all employees can raise concerns without fear of retribution if they become aware of any breach of our policies within our business operations or supply chain.
- Code of business conduct. This code sets out our standards of behaviour as an organisation and how we expect our employees and suppliers to behave.

Our Suppliers, Sub-Contractors and Business Partners

Zapp Scooters Limited conducts due diligence, including where appropriate site visits/audits, on all suppliers, sub-contractors and business partners before entering into any formal contracts to ensure compliance with our anti-slavery policy which forms part of our agreements with all suppliers, sub-contractors and business partners and who must confirm that no part of their business operations contradicts this policy. Our agreements require that all suppliers, sub-contractors and business partners confirm that:
- Their business operations are free of any modern slavery practices
- They have their own anti-slavery policy when dealing with their suppliers (For UK-based suppliers)
- (For UK suppliers) They pay their employees at least the national minimum wage / national living wage (as appropriate)
- (For international suppliers) They pay their employees any prevailing minimum wage applicable within their country of operations
- Their overall terms of employment are voluntary
- They will comply with the minimum age requirements prescribed by applicable laws
- They will compensate their workers with wages and benefits that meet or exceed the legally required minimum and will comply with overtime pay requirements
- They will abide by applicable law concerning the maximum hours of daily labour
- They acknowledge and agree we may terminate our agreement with them at any time if we discover any breach by them of our anti-slavery policy
Suppliers who are found to breach our anti-slavery policy or any of the above terms or who refuse to co-operate with any audit by us to verify compliance with our policy and terms may have their agreements with us terminated without compensation.


Our staff are instructed and trained to recognise the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they become aware it is taking place within our supply chain and business operations.

Equal Opportunities

Zapp is an equal opportunity employer.

Approval for this statement

This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 1st October 2018